“Some Dreams are for Real” is the extraordinary story of Emma Rodriguez, a fourteen year old Mexican/American girl living in Santa Barbara, California who experiences an incredible and unbelievable journey of transformation and personal growth. Along her mystical voyage she is exposed to numerous people and situations that teach her the true meaning of love, kindness, gratitude and respect. But can she forgive the most grievous of acts? Does she have the courage to be steadfast in the face of real fear? Will she demonstrate compassion for others in the midst of danger? As Emma encounters challenging situations no young child should be exposed to, she gains the wisdom, awareness and insight of a lifetime. Life’s lessons and society’s complexities meet her head on as she attempts to discover who she is and who she will be at the end of her mysterious odyssey. From the gripping opening scene to the surprising ending, “Some Dreams are for Real” grabs the reader and holds him in suspense. Along the way contemporary teen topics such as family separation and loss, texting and sexting, gay bashing, school shooters, immigration, homelessness, and tragedy are addressed and serve as a catalyst for conversation. Young readers of this story will imagine themselves in Emma’s role - strong, courageous and authentic – and find it informative, empowering, purposeful, entertaining, inspiring, adventurous, and humorous. This story is filled with valuable life-lessons that make it a must-read for every teen and teen parent.