Includes brief biographies of chefs and food writers: Catherine Adams, Victoria Alexander, Maggie Beer, Guillaume Brahimi, Marieke Brugman, Raymond Capadli, Robert Castellani, André Chouvin, James and Suzanne Halliday, Gary Cooper, Serge Dansereau, Peter Doyle, Alain Fabrègues, Sue Fairlie-Cuninghame, Margaret Fulton, Lucio Galletto, Suzanne Gibbs, Genevieve Harris, Diane Holuigue, Janet Jeffs and Kelly Leonard, Philip Johnson, Simon Johnson, Janni Kyritsis, Cheong Liew, Geoff Lindsay, Greg Malouf, Stefano Manfredi, Luke Mangan, Paul Merrony, Michael Moore, Mattew Moran, Philippe Mouchel, Mietta O'Donnell, Neil Perry, Graeme Phillips, Damien Pignolet, Ralph Potter, Jacques Reymond, Leo Schofield, Kathy Snowball, John Susman, Chris Taylor, Richard Thomas, David Thompson, Liam Tomlin, Tetsuya Wakuda, Martin Webb, and Alla Wolf-Tasker.