This book provides an insightful and comprehensive treatment of convexification and global optimization of continuous and mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Developed for students, researchers, and practitioners, the book covers theory, algorithms, software, and applications. This thought-provoking book: -develops a powerful and widely-applicable framework for constructing closed-form expressions of convex envelopes of nonlinear functions; -presents a systematic treatment of branch-and-bound, while providing acceleration mechanisms and enhancements; -unifies ideas at the interface between operations research and computer science, devising efficient algorithmic implementation for global optimization; offers students, modelers, and algorithm developers a rich collection of models, applications, and numerical examples; -elucidates through geometric interpretations the concepts discussed throughout the book; -shows how optimization theory can lead to breakthroughs in diverse application areas, including molecular design, process and product design, facility location, and supply chain design and operation; -demonstrates that the BARON software developed by the authors can solve global optimization problems heretofore considered intractable, in an entirely automated manner on a personal computer. Audience: This book will be of interest to researchers in operations research, management science, applied mathematics, computer science, computational chemistry, and all branches of engineering. In addition, the book can be used in graduate level courses in nonlinear optimization, integer programming, global optimization, convex analysis, applied mathematics, and engineering design.