Everybody Present

Everybody Present
Author: Nikolaj Rotne
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 139
Release: 2009-06-25
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1937006476

Everybody Present illustrates the transformative effects of mindfulness on educators, students, and their classrooms. Using concrete examples, Didde and Nikolaj Flor Rotne present a mode of classroom engagement that reduces stress to make room for thoughtful learning. A working manual addressed to everyone in the educational universe, Everybody Present presents real-world applications grounded in solid research. Stories, exercises, and case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of mindful practices across all areas of education. By exploring the challenges of teaching, Everybody Present will help all educators transform feelings of inadequacy into experiences of abundance. Everybody Present seeks to create a new kind of culture in our schools: one that counters stress and facilitates learning. It reframes the student-teacher relationship, showing teachers how to supplant antagonism and foster strong relationships by planting seeds of mindfulness in their students and encouraging them to embark on a mindfulness practice of their own. Everybody Present is intended to contribute to the creation of a culture throughout the educational system writ large, working against stress and victim mentality to set in motion a revolution of silence, allowing each individual the experience of inter-being, inner calm, and joy.

Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness

Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness
Author: Deborah Schoeber Lein
Publisher: ReadHowYouWant.com
Total Pages: 258
Release: 2011-01-19
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1458730034

Mindfulness has gone mainstream, and author Deborah Schoeberlein pioneers its practical application in education. By showing teachers how to tune into what's happening, inside and around them, she offers fresh, straightforward approaches to training attention and generating caring both in and outside of the classroom. Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness emphasizes how the teacher's personal familiarity with mindfulness plants the seed for an education infused with attention, awareness, kindness, empathy, compassion, and gratitude. The book follows a teacher from morning to night on a typical school day, at home, during the commute, and before, during, and after class. This book is perfect for teachers of all kinds: schoolteachers, religious educators, coaches, parents-anyone who teaches anything.

Happy Teachers Change the World

Happy Teachers Change the World
Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 394
Release: 2017-06-06
Genre: Education
ISBN: 194152964X

Thich Nhat Hanh shares teacher-friendly guidance on bringing secular mindfulness into your classroom—complete with step-by-step techniques, exercises, and insights from other educators. Discover practical and re-energizing guidance on caring for yourself and your students! The Plum Village approach to mindfulness in schools stresses that educators must first establish their own mindfulness practice as a basis for their work in the classroom. These easy-to-follow, step-by-step techniques are designed by teachers to help their colleagues cultivate this important foundation and better support their students. You’ll find: • Basic mindfulness practices taught by Thich Nhat Hanh • Guidance from educators using these practices in their classrooms • Ample in-class interpretations, activities, tips, and instructions • Inspirational stories from teachers, administrators, and counselors With motivational anecdotes from colleagues and tried and true mindfulness exercises from Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community, this loving and supportive guide is an invaluable tool for educators to calm, focus, and reenergize their classrooms.

The Mindful Family Guidebook

The Mindful Family Guidebook
Author: Renda Dionne Madrigal
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 225
Release: 2021-05-18
Genre: Family & Relationships
ISBN: 1946764795

Turn off screentime and come back to earth with this family mindfulness guidebook from Chippewa clinical psychologist Renda Dionne Madrigal, PhD, and reconnect with your family through time-honored mindfulness and Indigenous practices and respect for the natural world. Family life can be chaotic and messy, and we easily forget what matters most for our health and happiness: "the spirit and wellness that have sustained our ancestors and our entire human family for as long as we've existed on the planet," as Renda Dionne Madrigal puts it. If we, as parents, aren't present with our children, they get their values from peer culture, advertising, and social media instead of the family stories, personal dreams, and ancestral instincts we all have as treasures within ourselves to share. Drawing on indigenous circle practice for communication, The Mindful Family Guidebook provides a deep-rooted guide for a family that grows with a sense of purpose and belonging. Whether you have young children or teens, cultivating authentic connection with each other and the natural world is vital for your mental and emotional health, and this book shows you how—with more than 80 fun and profound activities you can do as a family.

Mindfulness for Busy People

Mindfulness for Busy People
Author: Michael Sinclair
Publisher: Pearson UK
Total Pages: 203
Release: 2017-12-20
Genre: Self-Help
ISBN: 1292186925

Mindfulness for Busy People will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy life, helping you to de-stress, find your own unique space of calm, and ready yourself for whatever challenges you face. Helping you to cultivate and practice mindfulness straight away, you’ll discover: A no-nonsense, light-hearted, and clear introduction to mindfulness and its benefits Unique and clever ‘I-haven’t-got-time-for-this’ exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime A fulfilling way to feel less stressed with immediate effect A new found confidence, resilience and a greater sense of optimism Improved focus, energy, efficiency and creativity The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

The Way of Mindful Education: Cultivating Well-Being in Teachers and Students

The Way of Mindful Education: Cultivating Well-Being in Teachers and Students
Author: Daniel Rechtschaffen
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Total Pages: 245
Release: 2014-06-08
Genre: Education
ISBN: 039370954X

A new educational paradigm for youth mindfulness. “If you are a teacher, or an educator, or involved in school administration and curriculum development, the book you hold in your hands has the potential to transform your life, the lives of your students, and the life of the school itself, as well as education in America.”—Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, from the Foreword With attention spans waning and stress on the rise, many teachers are looking for new ways to help students concentrate, learn, and thrive. The Way of Mindful Education is a practical guide for cultivating attention, compassion, and well-being not only in these students, but also in teachers themselves. Packed with lesson plans, exercises, and considerations for specific age groups and students with special needs, this working manual demonstrates the real world application of mindfulness practices in K-12 classrooms. Part I, Why Mindful Education Matters, explains what mindfulness is, the science behind its benefits for students and educators, and the inspiring work that is already underway in the Mindful Education movement. In Part II, Begin with Yourself, we are reminded that in order to teach mindfully, we need to be mindful. Here teachers will learn the when, where, and how of mindfulness so they can effectively embody its practices with their students. Mindfulness practices offer teachers self-care and attention skills that prepare them to teach with greater energy and mastery. Discover how simple exercises can help manage stress, focus attention, develop compassion, and savor positive experiences in everyday life. Part III, Cultivating a Mindful Classroom, explores the qualities of a mindful teacher, the ingredients of a mindful learning environment, and helpful skills for appropriate, supportive work with cultural diversity, student stress and trauma, and varying age groups and developmental stages. Finally, in Part IV, Mindful Education Curriculum, we learn eighteen ready-to-use mindfulness lessons for use in schools. These practical exercises, designed to foster skills like embodiment, attention, heartfulness, and interconnectedness, can be readily adapted for any age group and population, and the author draws from his extensive personal experience to offer a wealth of tips for introducing them to students in real-time. Decades of research indicate the impressive benefits of mindfulness in social, emotional, and cognitive development, and as an antidote to emotional dysregulation, attention deficits, and social difficulties. This book invites teachers, administrators, and anyone else involved in education to take advantage of this vital tool and become purveyors of a mindful, compassionate, ethical, and effective way of teaching.

Mindfulness for Students

Mindfulness for Students
Author: Natasha Kaufman
Publisher: Leaping Hare Press
Total Pages: 147
Release: 2019-07-02
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 1782407677

Life can be tough. With so many decisions to make at such a critical time, it’s easy to feel weighed down. What’s more, there is the pressure to gain good grades, to find a good job, to be a good person. Your mind may feel clogged up with no way to filter your circulating thoughts and pressures. From a young age we are taught the significance of a solid education and a fruitful career, yet with such an emphasis on academic and monetary success we often fail to prioritise a healthy mind and body. It is essential to know how to deal with life’s many challenges; Mindfulness for Students will help you. Through insightful ideas and personal anecdotes, this book will introduce you to the many benefits and applications of mindfulness - from mindful breathing, eating, exercising, sleeping, studying and communicating. There will be opportunities within each chapter to have a go at mindful meditations ranging from three to twenty minutes. There is no right or wrong approach, just what works for you. Mindfulness is a way of being, and this book will help you lay the foundations for a mindful future. Choose to be mindful and live your life in the moment, living fully and wholeheartedly, aware of self and others.

Mindfulness and Critical Friendship

Mindfulness and Critical Friendship
Author: Karen Ragoonaden
Publisher: Lexington Books
Total Pages: 152
Release: 2016-06-15
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1498529585

Mindfulness and Critical Friendship: A New Perspective on Professional Development for Educators assembles an international community of scholar-practitioners from multiple disciplines who utilize different methodologies and ideological perspectives to reflect on and interrogate contexts that situate mindfulness and critical friendship as constructs which support professional development for educators. Mindfulness and critical friendship connect critically and creatively like-minded colleagues and enable the facilitation and promotion of transformative pedagogy and practice. Supported by a robust set of evidence-based research, the contributors to this collection consider the ways in which educators can develop habits of mind and courses of action which will support them as they cultivate their ability to thrive and cope with the modern demands of their personal and professional lives. This edited collection is recommended for educators of all disciplines and for scholars of education, social science, and psychology.

Inner Peace and Contagious Happiness for Education's Superstars

Inner Peace and Contagious Happiness for Education's Superstars
Author: Didde Flor Rotne
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 66
Release: 2013-11-25
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1937006697

Inner Peace and Contagious Happiness for Education's Superstars is the digital workbook that accompanies by Didde and Nikolaj Flor Rotne. Educators are the most important resource in the learning, growth, and development of students and children, and they the superstars of the educational field. Over a period of twenty-one days, these twelve exercises in mindfulness will help teachers find ways to deal with discontent, stress, and feelings of inadequacy. This program is for teachers who want to establish a strong mindfulness practice that will help to bring greater happiness, inner peace, and abundance to daily life. ves and others. Beautiful, color illustrations.