One of the great epics of Hawaiian mythology is the story of Pele, goddess of Hawai'i's volcanoes, and her youngest sister, Hi'iakaikapoliopele. Pele was driven out of her homeland after a quarrel with her older sister Namakaokaha'i, a sea goddess. She readied her great double-hulled voyaging canoe and left Kahiki, sailing to Hawai'i. She was accompanied by a number of relatives, including her youngest sister, Hi'iaka, the heroine of our story. None of the islands seemed to suit Pele until she reached Hawai'i, the largest island. In the upland region, Pele settled into the fiery lava pit of Kilauea, and our story begins there. While in a dream state, Pele followed the sounds of hula pahu drums and traveled to Kaua'i, meeting the handsome young chief, Lohi'au. Pele asked her youngest sister, Hi'iaka, to undertake a journey to fetch her new lover. Hi'iaka, with her companions, encountered many adventures on her journey; battling reptilian mo¿o, healing people in need, making new friends and traveling throughout the islands. This is a passionate story of love, healing, betrayal, and reconciliation, culminating in the reunion of parted lovers, lavishly illustrated by one of Hawai'i¿s most celebrated artists, Dietrich Varez.