ABOUT THE BOOK It is only when we overcome our disabilities that wreck our minds sanity Feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred and win them over with laurels of love and hope, our daily accomplishments over disappointments will we be able to encounter God in our daily steps as we walk towards that holy land to become his many pilgrims of peace, love, harmony and joyfulness. Turning INTO the ‘LIGHT OF THE WORLD!’ Another interesting derivative of ‘OR’ is the Hebrew root ‘ro-eh’, made with the letters ‘Reysh’ ‘Alef’ ‘Hey’. It includes the same letters as in ‘OR’ like an ORACLE of truth and upholding secrets of a secret garden nonetheless EDEN or PARADISE! The biblical prophet, the seer, is called in Hebrew ‘ro-eh’, which also comes from ‘OR’, ‘LIGHT’ and like the wind soughing through the trees in a mystical secret place where wilderness thrives and yet is a secret to all mankind. In the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, there appears for the first time a reference about the ‘Garden of Eden’ “And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of LIFE was in the midst of the garden, like the Dwarf apple tree in the middle of my book secret garden and all its beautiful characters, Mary, Dickon, Colin, the gardener Ben Weatherstaff and the magical creatures, many more poems and role roles to play their parts within my story book, with the magical robin bird beholding the secret key. The Tree was the knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers! (GENESIS 2:8-11) The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold! This is why it is no surprise to discover the Hebrew term for ‘Heaven’ or ‘Paradise’ is in fact ‘Gan Eden’ {גן עדן} – meaning the Garden of Eden…The Secret Garden! By Frances Hodgson Burnett penned by Leoni Robens in her own imaginative, soul nourishing, masterful and creative style!