"This book is as powerful as it is simple. And that'sthe point. The world truly needs more reminders of this kind of wisdom." Patrick Lencioni; president, The Table Group; bestselling author, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage "In this crisp and timely book, Dan Veitkus exposes the communication traps that stand in the way of even the smartest people. Figure out how to deliver Straight Talk, and watch your leadership, consulting or sales career take off. Because at the end of the day, making real connections is the secret to success." Tim Sanders, author of Love is the Killer App: How To Win Business & Influence Friends and former CSO at Yahoo! "This book is a page turner - a beautiful blend of home spun wisdom, the most up to date research and compelling storytelling. I believe that leaders who embrace the principles in this book will indeed fast track their way to success and simultaneously create an empowering vibrant culture within their organization." Kevin Kelly, Internationally acclaimed leadership speaker and Best Selling Author Too much of what is thrust upon us today as "communication" is simply inefficient and ineffective and in many cases, incoherent and just plain noise. The truth is, we are living in the midst of a "Smart Talk" epidemic. This is a book about a critical set of distinctions. It will expose the difference between spending time, energy and intellectual firepower trying to sound smart and savvy - what the author condemns as "Smart Talk" - and the more effective choice to speak and operate deliberately in order to avoid confusion, frustration, and wasted time and therefore dramatically improve our productivity. Smart Talking is the enemy of Smart Execution. This book exposes common Smart Talk Traps and offers seven Straight Talk Principles that will: - Quickly help you become more productive, communicate more clearly and expertly detect Smart Talk trash. - Allow you to learn (or re-learn) the secrets to more productive conversations, communication and relationships. - Identify the distinction between Straight Talk that produces results and harmony and Smart Talk that brings only disappointment and ultimately, a crash-and-burn finale. The Straight Talk Principles are inspired by the greatest wisdom of the past, colored with personal experience from the present and organized for the benefit of our future. If you make them part of your "operating style," you'll achieve more positive outcomes as you communicate deliberately, honestly, and sincerely -the Straight Talk way.