Meet the rabbit with green fur and is as cool as his name. Cucumbers the Rabbit is his name. Adventure is his game. In this collection of twenty stories, Cucumbers, with his friends, Blaze, Sunny, Drooler, Bouncy-Bounce, Spinner, Henry, Knock Knock, Flirty, and Mudflap, face monsters, UFOs, an evil circus owner, a magical island, a powerful rabbit witch, a tyrannical alien general, an Alaskan farmer, a vicious fox, and a "spooky" computer. Along the way, Cucumbers manages to star in a Hollywood movie and help his friend's lonely father find a wife. Discover how Cucumbers friends get even with a prankster ghost. Find out what happens when Flirty falls in love with two human sisters. Discover why the frogs are angry with the rabbits. Learn why Cucumbers fur is green and who he takes on his first date. Who is Princess Cleo supposed to marry? What surprise awaits Cucumbers at Foggy Island? How does a part of Bunny Town get destroyed after something that happens at Sunny's birthday party? And, what is Cucumbers big secret? Come and explore Cucumbers world. There is danger and mysteries to be solved, but there is also friendship and love. Escape into this world of fantasy and enjoy a laugh along the way.