Watch Out for Toxo!

Watch Out for Toxo!
Author: Jaroslav Flegr
Publisher: Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
Total Pages:
Release: 2016-08-29
ISBN: 9788074440465

Parasites have uncanny ways of manipulating their host species, but we rarely see ourselves as the objects of manipulation. However, that view suffered a blow recently with the wildly increasing number of discoveries suggesting that we are as susceptible to parasitic manipulation as any other animal. Professor Jaroslav Flegr describes the rich history of discoveries of the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii's influence over the human psyche, behavior and physical state. The lifelong and insofar incurable latent infection by this parasite afflicts roughly a third of the world population and in some countries even the vast majority of their people. Two decades of research primarily at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague, but also top American and British institutions (Stanford, Baltimore, Oxford) showed that Toxoplasma influences personality traits of infected people, increases their reaction times and the risk of a traffic accident, and changes the sex ratio among children of Toxo positive women. New research also suggests that Toxoplasma may be responsible for many cases of schizophrenia and perhaps several other disorders as well. The book is also a fascinating window into the methodology of science and contains useful information for anyone who wants to peer deeper into the world of science.

Among the Pigeons

Among the Pigeons
Author: John L. Read
Publisher: Wakefield Press
Total Pages: 366
Release: 2019-05-06
Genre: Nature
ISBN: 1743056141

During the last century, global domestic cat numbers rocketed past 200 million, along with a surge in cat diseases and numbers of feral cats and sick, injured and malnourished cats. Cat shelters are overflowing. Hundreds of thousands of cats are euthanised every year by despondent animal welfare workers. Misplaced sentimentality, sometimes promoted by corporate greed of cat food companies, has exacerbated this situation through promoting irresponsible feeding of strays. Ecologist and author John Read has travelled the world consulting cat experts and collating the most recent science. In Among the Pigeons he balances the allure of indoor cats with the animal welfare, human health, and conservation issues they create when allowed to roam. But he also presents solutions, from breeding ideal indoor pet cats to development of humane and targeted tools to control feral cats. In striking parallel to the repercussions of human-induced climate change, warnings about the damage wrought by free-ranging cats have been largely denied or overlooked. But we ignore these issues at our peril. For our own mental health and endangered wildlife worldwide, time is running out.

Medical Laboratory Science Review

Medical Laboratory Science Review
Author: Robert R Harr
Publisher: F.A. Davis
Total Pages: 601
Release: 2012-10-11
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0803637969

Use this comprehensive resource to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge you need to be prepared for classroom tests and certification and licensure examinations.

Frozen Evolution

Frozen Evolution
Author: Jaroslav Flegr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2008
Genre: Evolution (Biology)
ISBN: 9788086561738

CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery

CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery
Author: Anil Lalwani
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
Total Pages: 1024
Release: 2007-08-26
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0071593349

"Full of information that most ENT surgeons have little experience with...great for exam prep or for a quick read before a presentation...I would recomment that ENT trainees buy this book" Journal of Laranology, March 2012


Author: Alan Gunn
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 474
Release: 2012-04-30
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0470684240

Parasitology: An Integrated Approach, provides a concise, student-friendly account of parasites and parasite relationships that is supported by case studies and suggestions for student projects. The book focuses strongly on parasite interactions with other pathogens and in particular parasite-HIV interactions, as well as looking at how host behaviour contributes to the spread of infections. There is a consideration of the positive aspects of parasite infections, how humans have used parasites for their own advantage and also how parasite infections affect the welfare of captive and domestic animals. The emphasis of Parasitology is on recent research throughout and each chapter ends with a brief discussion of future developments. This text is not simply an updated version of typical parastitology books but takes an integrated approach and explains how the study of parasites requires an understanding of a wide range of other topics from molecular biology and immunology to the interactions of parasites with both their hosts and other pathogens.

Paediatrics at a Glance

Paediatrics at a Glance
Author: Lawrence Miall
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 453
Release: 2016-04-29
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 1118947800

Paediatrics at a Glance provides an introduction to paediatrics and the problems encountered in child health as they present in primary, community and secondary care, from birth through to adolescence. Thoroughly updated to reflect changes in understanding of childhood illness over the last 5 years, the 4th edition of this best-selling textbook diagrammatically summarises the main differential diagnoses for each presenting symptom, while accompanying text covers important disorders and conditions as well as management information. Paediatrics at a Glance: • Is an accessible, user-friendly guide to the entire paediatric curriculum • Features expanded coverage of psychological issues and ethics in child health • Includes more on advances in genetics, screening and therapy of childhood illness • Contains new videos of procedures and concepts on the companion website • Includes a brand new chapter on Palliative Care - an emerging area in the specialty • Features full colour artwork throughout • Includes a companion website at featuring interactive self-assessment case studies, MCQs, videos of the procedures and concepts covered in the book, and links to online resources Paediatrics at a Glance is the ideal companion for anyone about to start a paediatric attachment or module and will appeal to medical students, junior doctors and GP trainees as well as nursing students and other health professionals.