The study of Latin can be a difficult for some students new to theological research. This book will be an essential tool for acquiring a basic reading knowledge of ecclesiastical Latin. The texts they translate will be common texts they will encounter as theology students and as priests or deacons: common prayers, liturgical, biblical, patristic and medieval theological texts, as well as some hymn texts. For most students, the lessons in this book will be their only exposure to Latin. For those who may wish to learn more, it will provide a solid foundation for further study. Rome has indicated that seminarians of the Roman rite should have at least some familiarity with Latin and the Latin theological tradition. Graduate students in theology and scripture also may be required to have a reading knowledge of a classical language. Reading Church Latin can be used either as a class text or a resource for independent study. In each lesson, the grammar and syntax encountered in the Latin reading are explained. The exercises provide a way to reinforce the learned grammar, syntax and vocabulary of each lesson. Students will be able to deal competently with or at least understand the basic meaning of untranslated Latin readings and have the ability to compare a text that they translate to its original. Reading Church Latin also contains a Glossary, an Answer Key to the exercises, and a useful Morphology.